M50-M80 Mechanical Register

Technical Specificatons

The Mechanical Register is the outstanding choice for recording and displaying delivery data in a wide variety of industries. In the petroleum refining and distribution field, it is used from the well to pipelines and storage centres, then ti gasoline and fuel oil delivery trucks. In the chemical processing field, it can be used for displaying totals during mixing and batching operations. The mechanical Register totalizes and displays high speed deliveries and transactions in large easy-to-read figures.


1、New crisp, high visibility digital display for optimum readability in all ambient lighting.

2、Latest technology, modern materials give maximum dependability at speeds to 250 rpm of right wheel ord.

3、Positive action knob reset.

4、Built-in precision totalizer accumulates uo to 99,999,999 units, Delivery display 5 digital.

5、Acetal resin components for smooth operation and extra-long life.

6、Fits all popular flow meters.

Technical Specification

MODEL M50 M80 M100
Size 50mm/2” 80mm/3” 100mm/4”
Flow Range( L/MIN) 55-550 115-1150 170-1700
Volume Per revolution 0.681L 1.839L 5.102L
MAX Pressure 10Bar/150PSI
Accuracy +-0.2%
Repeatability <-0.05%
Unit Liter

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